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Internet Profiles is a section on SubmarineSailor.Com that recognizes those who have utilized the internet to make significant contributions to the perservation of submarine history, contributed to submarine-related education or enhanced communications between current and former submariners.
Ron Martini - Ric Hedman - Harry Hall
Ric Hedman

SSC: How did you end up in the Navy and in submarines?

Ric Hedman: I'm a local guy. Basically grew up on Vashon Island and later moved to Seattle after my folks died to live with aunts and uncles. Graduated from Franklin High with B+ average, (how I did that I don't know).

I always knew I was going to go into the Navy. I just didn't know I was going to go into submarines. Hadn't really thought about it. In A school just before graduation the instructor announced that he was required to ask if anyone want to volunteer for submarines. He stated that you got another $100.00 a month as compensation. Well, making only $83.00 a month, that was fortune - I raised my hand and said, "sign me up" - I had orders to sub school in a week.

I don't know what the other part of the Navy was like but from what I saw I made the right decision because I probably would have spent the rest of my tour in the brig for being a wise guy and smart ass. I can't conceive of not being in submarines now. It was so logical and exciting. Little did I realize until later that my brother was scared something would happen to me since Thresher sank just before I went in the Navy and Scorpion sank just before I got out. I thought little of the dangers at the time. I was where I thought I should be doing what we were supposed to be doing.

SSC: How did your Through the Looking Glass get started?

Ric Hedman: The Looking Glass page happened by accident! I had bought an old photo album off eBay that had a lot of K- boat photos so I decided to share them... I haven't stopped.

After a while I realized that lots of people could post pictures but I recognized that with my scanner I could zoom in and get lots of neat stuff lost to the photo or snapshot as a whole. Now, each and every picture I acquire I go over it with a fine tooth comb/scan. I have become fascinated with the people. We have forgotten their names but the faces still can tell us a lot. These early submariners are/were just like us.

SSC: What keep you motivated?

Ric Hedman: I try and make that connection with the bubbleheads that visit my page. The real miracle that has happened with the Looking Glass is the people who visit and then send stuff from family photo albums. They are the folks who have made the page what it is today. They have the hidden treasures that would not be seen by anyone else if they hadn't been willing to share. These folks are the real heroes of my page.

SSC: Any other influences?

Ric Hedman: I don't know how much impact my pages have had but my roll model for doing what I do is Jim Christley. The depth of his knowledge made me realize that there still is a lot in information out there. But the guy who started me on all this is John Clear. I ran into him at a USSVI convention where he was selling a lot of stuff. I think he was right next door to Martini's table. I bought the first of my "old photos" from John and it has grown from there.

- - Visit Ric Hedman's Website