A “how to” guide for qualifying in a U.S. Navy Submarine
by Kevin T. Flatley CS2/SS USN.
(Insert your name here.) “Having successfully completed the rigorous
professional requirements for qualification in submarines, having gained a
through knowledge of submarine construction and operation, having demonstrated
his reliability under stress, and having my full confidence and trust, I hereby
certify that he is qualified in submarines”… These words mark the end of the
long road towards submarine qualification. The process by which one gets to
this moment is a difficult one. Qualifying submarines is a task that takes hard
work, long hours, and above all, dedication. Completion will grant you entry
into a unique brotherhood, and give you the kind of pride that only comes with
having accomplished something bigger than yourself.
A submarine crew is much like a family. Everyone knows each other by first name,
formality is largely thrown aside, and there are no secrets. When a new man
first arrives he is looked at like an in-law, he is a “non-qual.” The Navy has
assigned him to the crew but everyone wants to know if he is really going to
fit in. He must prove his worth through qualification. During this process he
must learn all of the major ships systems and their components, how to draw
them, show how they work, and learn how to fight any possible casualty from
fire, to flooding, to poison in the air, on every level of the boat. This is
done in order to ensure that when the boat is submerged every crew member can
be relied upon to know what to do in case of an emergency. If the “non-qual”
accomplishes this task he will be then become qualified, will be awarded the
Navy’s submarine warfare pin, also known as dolphins, and will become a full
member of the crew.
A non-quals first day onboard any Navy sub is intimidating to say the least.
Upon a new man’s arrival he becomes the most junior and most inexperienced
member of a very highly trained crew. When he first arrives he is given his
qualification card and is assigned his “sea dad.” This person is a qualified
member of the crew that will help guide the “non-qual” through the qual
process. The qual card has all the systems the he must learn listed in it with
a signature block next to it. When he is done studying a particular system he
must go to a crew member that works directly with or on that system and get a
“check out.” This is a verbal quiz designed to test knowledge of a particular
part of the boat and once that crew member feels you have all the knowledge
required he will sign your card. This process will be repeated over 70 times on
the road to qualification. Each non-qual is given only nine months to complete
this task and he is expected to complete at least three to four check outs per
The qualification process is not only a mental challenge, but a physical one as
well. Qualification can only be done on a non-quals “own time,” meaning after
he has completed all of his regular work. The submarine, while at sea, works on
an eighteen hour schedule that rotates through three six hour watches. Six
hours are spent on watch, the other twelve are “off time.” This is a very
general term though. There are ships drills scheduled during this time that are
designed to test the crew on there abilities to fight casualties. There are
also long lists of maintenance that each crew member is assigned in order to
keep the boat running. This means that the six hour period normally used for
sleep by most qualified crew members must be used for “doing quals” by
non-qualified members. The small amounts of entertainment that are available to
the crew, such as movies or card games, are off limits to non-quals. All of a
non-quals free time is to be dedicated toward qualification. If a non-qual is
unable to keep up with the minimum amount of signatures that are required each
week, he will then be designated as delinquent, or “dink” in his quals. In this
case, a non-qual will be required to muster for an extra two hours of
supervised study time after he has completed all of his other tasks. He must
continue to do this until he catches up on his minimums. For extra motivation
through these slips, the non-quals sea dad is also made to muster with him
during this period. Suffice to say, most men stay dink for very short periods
of time.
As a non-qual nears the end of his qualifications he is then required to do a
“walk through” of every level of the ship. This is a process where a senior
member of the crew walks with you through each level of the boat and asks you
to identify and explain the uses for all the equipment on that level. Once this
is completed, the non-qual is then given one to two weeks to study for his
final board. This is the final step before becoming qualified and it is by far
the most difficult. In the oral board, three senior enlisted men, each experts
in different parts of the boat, and one of the boats officers will give the
non-qual essentially, one large check out. Every major system is reviewed in
depth in order to see if the individual can put all of his knowledge together
at the same time. This process can last anywhere from three to six hours, on
average, and is the culmination of many long months of work. It can be a moment
of joy and relief for those who pass, or a time of disappointment for those who
do not. Each non-qual is given three chances to pass a final board.
Once the final board is completed it is now time to be recognized. The crew that
has pushed this man, sleep deprived him, and treated him like an outsider is
now all lined up at attention to honor and welcome him into there ranks. The
Captain of the boat pins the submarine dolphins to his uniform and presents him
with the submarine qualification certificate. This is truly a moment of
enormous pride and satisfaction for those who get there. It is the culmination
of a not only a process of learning, but also of acceptance into an
organization that is larger than yourself. He will from this moment on always
be able to call himself a submariner, even long after he hangs up his Navy
Qualification in submarines is a daunting task. However, once finished you
become part of a fellowship that can only be understood by those who have done
it themselves. That can only be truly recognized by the very small and special
group of men that have the pride and honor of calling themselves SUBMARINERS.
Written by: CS2/SS Kevin T. Flatley, USN. Qualified on board USS Dallas (SSN700)
26 April, 1998
the author: I was born and raised on Long Island N.Y. in the town
of West Hempstead. I first became interested in Submarines when I was about 14
years old after seeing the movie The Hunt for Red October witch featured the
submarine USS Dallas, as some of you may remember. Through out high school I
collected submarine books and biographies of famous submariners. After a short
two year stint at Nassau Community College on L.I. I decided to pursue a career
in the Navy. I joined in October of 1996 and immediately volunteered for subs.
In an ironic twist of fate as the top submarine volunteer graduate in my MS “A”
School class, I was able to pick the USS Dallas for my first boat. Like most
guy’s, I quickly discovered that being in submarines is not any thing like the
books that I had read. I made the proper adjustments, so to speak, and I was
qualified on 29 April 96. I have since served on the USS Alabama SSBN 731 Gold
crew in Bangor W.A. and I am currently stationed on shore at the Sub Base
Bangor Galley. I am looking forward to serving on the new SSGN class at the end
of shore and making chief some day. I hope you all enjoyed my essay.