Registration Form |
First name: |
Last name: |
Address: |
City/State/Zip: |
Phone: |
Fax: |
address: |
How many
others are you bringing? |
(In ADDITION to yourself)
Date you're
gonna get here: |
Date you're
gonna leave: |
How 're you
gonna camp? |
Can you sleep
others? |
Wanna rent a
local RV? |
(for RV rental information, go here:
www.cruiseamerica.com (this
company has a rental location in Fresno)... or go here
www.elmonterv.com) |
Where ya
gonna sleep? |
Please don't "play" with this form - the costs of hosting the bash are directly
affected by what you enter on this form so please be accurate - THANKS!!
How many of ya's are showin' up for each meal? |
Friday Supper
Saturday Breakfast
Saturday Lunch
Saturday Supper
Sunday Breakfast
What do you
wanna do here? |
Horseback riding
Nuthin, just sit around with a coffee cup or a beer
Bungee jumping off the barn
Guest list -
Bash at the Ranch Info -
Ranch Photos -
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